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I whisper in wild wind through ship masts,

crane booms, the gentle drift of ship on water,

punctuate the harbour in steel,

curling into currents, the call of gulls.

I am echo,

call of tide, collared in sculpture,

I built in the open, I built to bring together 

town and harbour and ocean.

I am architect,

inhabiting the spaces between steel and welding,

between silver railings and muttering ocean,

come to the crow's nest,

the peak of the crossroads,

where sea meets land

meets life.

Out of  the blue - like the first land fish,

gulping foreign air with nothing to drive it but ambition,

a phone call, some-time near the day I was born,

An artist winds the phone's umbilical about his thumb

and accepts the request for art on the quayside.

Becci Louise - a tribute to Sea Music on Poole Quay

Sea Music by Sir Anthony Caro

Architect and fundraiser Tom Roberts

Opened 22.11.91 by Lord Palumbo, Chairman Arts Council England

Conserved 2017 with the support of Heritage Lottery Fund and the Arts Council

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